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Welcome to The Town of Wolcott, New York: About Us


Town Supervisor

Town Clerk

Code Enforcement

Planning & Economic


Animal Control


Highway Department


Board Members

Supervisor: Lynn Chatfield

Councilman: Adam Ellis, Jr.

Councilman: Dan Youngman

Councilmember: Julie Aldrich

Councilman: Jorden Brown

Contact Us

Town of Wolcott
6070 Lake Ave.
Wolcott , NY 14590
Phone: 315-594-9431
Email: Town Clerk

The Town Clerks hours
starting June 15th, 2020
will be

Regular Hours
October 1st- May 31st
9am - 5pm Mondays - Wednesdays
9am - 3pm Thursdays

Summer Hours from
June 1st - September 30th
8am - 3pm Mondays - Wednesdays
8am - 1pm Thursdays

The Assessors Office Hours
starting June 15th, 2020
will be

9am - 3pm Monday - Wednesday
9am - 1pm Thursdays

About the Town of Wolcott

Venus Fountain Statue
The famous 1913 Venus Statue - One of only eight in America!

Wolcott, New York
Click Here for Facts & Demographics (Wikipedia)

The History of Wolcott

In 1805 Mr. Jonathan Melvin purchased 500 acres of land situated within the present village limits of Wolcott. Melvin was a revolutionary soldier and came here from Melvin Hill in Phelps, NY. Evidence suggests that before this time Indians visited this area to hunt, fish and gather food. Melvin would have had to clear his property, for Wolcott was a wilderness. From that time on other settlers came in and bought land from Melvin.

About 1809 a sawmill and a gristmill were built by the falls. (Later part of it became known as Harnden’s Mill and supplied the area with cattle feed and flour. It was destroyed by fire in the 1960’s and little remains to indicate where it once stood). The falls being one of the reasons that the area was settled. Other mills were built to make furniture, weave fabrics, tan leather and manufacture shoes. Unfortunately there is no evidence of the industry that the falls once supported. Jonathan Melvin also built as ashery on the North side of Main Street and a distillery on the West Side.

Obidiah Adams who was a surveyor came to Wolcott in 1810. He bought 40 acres of land from Melvin. This land was on the east side of the present New Hartford Street. He built a story and half frame building on the site of the present Wolcott Hotel. He opened a tavern. In 1812 he moved the schoolhouse that stood across the street and connected it with the tavern. Because of the energies of Melvin, Adams and Osgood Church Wolcott became a hub of industry in this part of Wayne County. Adams purchased Melvin’s Mill and prospered, doing much business with Canada. Lake Ontario was a natural highway for trade, and the Erie Canal served the same purpose when it was constructed.

The Baptist Church was the first house of worship to be built, and the first school occupied the corner of Draper and West Main Streets. Eventually, when a larger facility was needed, the Leavenworth family donated land where the current Leavenworth Middle School stands.

The first train came to Wolcott in 1872. The original depot still stands and it is the goal of The Wolcott Historical Society to someday use it for a museum.

An iron foundry was built on Wolcott Creek near the present-day corner of Furnace and West Port Bay Roads. The iron was used to manufacture farm implements, household wares, and building columns that are still visible on some of the shops along Main Street. The foundry operated for nearly fifty years.

In a 1905 edition of Grip’s Historical Souvenir of Wolcott, it states, “The village of Wolcott is one of the smartest, cleanest and most enterprising towns in this part of the state. This is true both on its residents and business features. Such are the features that attract the notice of the stranger at first glance.” In 1905 there were approximately 55 businesses in Wolcott with 18 service businesses.

One of the landmarks of wolcott is the statue of "Venus Rising From the Sea" at the four corners in downtown Wolcott. She is made of cast iron and is one of only eight in America. The statue arrived in September 1913. It was felt that with the installation of a public water system in the village, there should be some kind of public drinking fountain "for both man and beast" at the site of the old town pump and four corners.

One of the very early industries in Wolcott was the production of iron. The Clinton Formation is an unusual band of iron across central New York State of the red hematite type. It runs directly across the northern border of Wayne County, and it was named for Gov. DeWitt Clinton.

One of the two principle location of the iron industry in Wayne County, the Wolcott furnace was located north of the village of Wolcott on what isnow Furnace Road, along the west bank of Wolcott Creek. The second location was in the town of Ontario. The Wolcott furnace was put into operation in 1821. The iron was formed into castings and hauled to the Erie Canal at Clyde, once the canal became ready for operation. The furnace remained in operation until 1869 when the last run of iron making in Wolcott was completed.

Wolcott has had since 1913 a worldwide attraction. That is the fountain of Venus in the center of town. At one time there was a natural spring that came up out of the ground and was used to water the horses. The money to buy this statue was raised a few cents at a time cost about $875.00.She has worn several different colors and at one time was painted a bronze color. Many objections were raised when she received the natural colors she now sports.

The original town has undergone many transformations. There have been several devastating fires. One was where the present Palace Theatre stands. Another where Cody Bartlett’s office is. In recent memory the building where the small park is on Main Street (next to Mark’s Pizzeria) and the other the Wolcott Bargain Center next to the Palace Theatre.

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