Town Supervisor
Town Clerk
Code Enforcement
Planning & Economic
Animal Control
Highway Department
Board Members
Supervisor: Lynn Chatfield
Councilman: Adam Ellis, Jr.
Councilman: Dan Youngman
Councilmember: Julie Aldrich
Councilman: Jorden Brown
Contact Us
Town of Wolcott
6070 Lake Ave.
Wolcott , NY 14590
Phone: 315-594-9431
Email: Town Clerk
The Town Clerks hours
starting June 15th, 2020
will be
Regular Hours
October 1st- May 31st
9am - 5pm Mondays - Wednesdays
9am - 3pm Thursdays
Summer Hours from
June 1st - September 30th
8am - 3pm Mondays - Wednesdays
8am - 1pm Thursdays
The Assessors Office Hours
starting June 15th, 2020
will be
9am - 3pm Monday - Wednesday
9am - 1pm Thursdays

Regular meetings of the Wolcott Town Board are held the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM at the Town Hall, 6070 Lake Avenue (unless otherwise noted). br>
The Regular Board Meeting will be held TUESDAY,
August 20, 2024, AT 6:00 PM in the Courtroom.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that a public hearing will be held at the Town of Wolcott, 6070 Lake Avenue, Wolcott, NY 14590, on the 16th DAY OF JULY 2024, at 6:00 pm to consider the adoption of Local Law No. 1 of 2024 entitled: ROAD PRESERVATION LOCAL LAW
All meetings are open to the public.
The Town Hall will be closed on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2ND, 2024 for Labor Day.
 The Town of Wolcott is located in the far northeast corner of Wayne County. The Town borders Lake Ontario and is part of your scenic journey as you travel New York State's Seaway Trail.
About the Town of Wolcott
The Old Town of Wolcott was created in 1807 and included what are now the towns of Huron, Rose, Butler and Wolcott. It was, at that time, a part of Seneca County. Consisting of over 28,800 acres, the current town of Wolcott is composed of an undulating surface with a general incline toward the lake.
Near the lake are several tracts of low marshland. Generally, the soil is a sandy and gravelly loam, which is well adapted to all kinds of farming and fruit growing.
The town was named after Gov. Oliver Wolcott of Massachusetts, one of the commissioners settling the controversy of the Massachusetts - New York boundaries. This established titles of lands in the area which had been in dispute.
In 1805, one of Wolcott's first settlers, Jonathan Melvin, purchased 500 acres in what would eventually become the village of Wolcott. Mr. Melvin built a gristmill and sawmill. In 1813, he built a frame house for his family and painted it black. He said the color reflected his personality. Apparently, this was not a fair assessment of himself, as he was known to be a very generous man. He donated land for a school and a church, and he was known to be very hospitable.
Wolcott Town Board Meetings
Upcoming Events and/or closing
Smart911 Click for more info
Regular meetings of the Wolcott Town Board
are held the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM
at the Town Hall, 6070 Lake Avenue.
(unless otherwise noted)
- Please Take Notice -
Date for Monthly Regular Board Meeting
Regular Board Meetings
will be held
every 3rd Tuesday of the Month,
at 6:00pm in the Courtroom.
Electrical Inspectors
MDIA - Paul Alguire 585-397-6825
MDIA District Office 800-641-6342 or 1-585-454-5191
Commonwealth - Sam Agnello 315-573-3779
NYEIA 585-436-4460
Local Law No. 1 of 2015 Town of Wolcott Sewer Connection Law
Port Bay Joint Sanitary Sewer Project - Wolcott Resident Packet August 14, 2019
Town of Wolcott's Tentative Assessment Roll 2024 click here
Town of Wolcott's Final Assessment Roll 2023 click here